Sunday, April 5, 2009

Weekend Update

Spring has sprung in LA. It was absolutely beautiful this weekend. Honestly, we didn't do all that much, but I did get some nice cleaning done in my home office/aka the loft closet, and washed some more of Baby Icing's clothing. She has lots of clothing for someone with no Social Security number or birth date!

I'm also working on putting together a postpartum transitional wardrobe. In that spirit, here are two machine washable, potentially nursing friendly pieces from C & C California. Check out for a great selection!

I got the wrap dress in grey, but couldn't find a photo.
Yesterday, we lounged and watched men's basketball, then went to see Duplicity! I LOVED it. Without spoiling any of the plot, there is great dialogue, intrigue and romance. It's the same director as "Michael Clayton" and I love how he gets big law/big corporations. Having worked in that environment, I really appreciate how silly those places can be.
Today I had brunch with another friend M (I seriously need for people to have different initials), and then the combination of sun, pancakes and maple syrup was too much, so I needed to recuperate on the couch for the rest of the day. I did make it off the couch to file away some recipes (I'm still working on the quiche issue) and general office tidying.
I have some exciting news - our car seat is getting installed by a member of the California Highway Patrol. I'm thrilled, and relieved because I was a little worried about doing it correctly! So, as a big thank you, I made the congo bars referenced earlier to bring to him. I'm also looking forward to visiting a Trader Joe's in the valley - the one near my house is literally the seventh circle of Dante's Inferno. Hope you all had a lovely weekend!


  1. Nice work on the car seat! That is totally something I would do. :)

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! I love that wrap dress, too!
