Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hello Baby K

Hi all! Thanks for your kind wishes! We are all adjusting to life at home, and are really looking forward to Nana Icing arriving tomorrow. Here is the big beautiful baby who had a great pediatrician's appointment today, and seemed to enjoy a nice walk around the neighborhood. I was a little tired from walking to and from the appointment (it is MAYBE half a mile), but hopefully we will be taking longer walks in a few weeks. A topic of heated debate around here is her permanent eye color - any thoughts?


  1. Aw, what a beautiful baby! So many congrats to you!! I say beautiful deep blue eyes!

    So precious!

  2. Look at those lips! Love her!!!

  3. She is just precious!

    I'm no good at the baby eye game; they all look dark blue to me!

  4. She's absolutely gorgeous! I was so excited when I saw your comment. Congratulations and good luck getting adjusted! Glad y'all are home and healthy!
